March Newsletter

What a great February it has been!With snow tallies over 100 inches, skiing at the Weston Ski Track has been phenomenal and so many have been able to enjoy it. Thanks to FOLJMS members’ efforts and those of the Weston Ski Track, youth from the Boys and Girls Club of Boston and YES (Youth Enrichment Services) have been among the multitudes of Greater Boston residents now enjoying cross-country skiing at the Leo J Martin.And due to FOLJM's outreach to the DCR which contracts out the winter facility, the winter ski season at the Weston Ski Track has been extended this year until April 1.FOJMS is also delighted to report that we are continuing to make progress toward reaching our fundraising goal of $10,000, with only $1,500 left to raise! As you may recall from last month's newsletter, that money is going toward: start-up costs as a 501(c) 3 corporation (we've filed and are awaiting word on our status); ski programs for Boston youth; and work to improve skiable terrain at the Leo J Martin, such as trail design by famed designer John Morton. To help us close that gap, we are still seeking donations and invite you to make out a check to FOLJMS and send to our Treasurer at Tom Simon, 16 Sterling Rd, Wellesley, MA 02482. (While we don't yet have 501(c)3 status, we hope to have it approved shortly and will alert you at that time, allowing you to designate your donation as tax deductible.)Among our other initiatives have been the efforts of many FOLMS members to reach out to their local representatives to inform them of what an invaluable winter resource the Leo J Martin facility provides. We need to continue with those efforts, as in the coming months, the DCR will turn its attention to future plans for the facility, both as a golf course and as a ski center.If you haven't gotten around to writing your local representative, we encourage you to write to ask them to let the DCR know the importance that the ski facility holds for you and your community. (If you don't know the name of your local representatives, you can find them at: you may be aware, in the last two years, skiable terrain at the Leo J Martin has been reduced by 30% and given the number and diversity of Greater Boston residents regularly using the winter facility -- over a dozen high schools teams, adaptive skiers, a school age club numbering over 200, veterans, inner city students, adaptive skiers, recreational skiers, racing clubs, and others -- the facility is at, and arguably above, capacity. The DCR needs to not only restore lost skiing terrain but also to expand, improve, and create greater access to it.As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns you have. We are so grateful and appreciative of all the interest, enthusiasm and work of our members -- whose numbers now are close to 700. And thank you to all of you who decided to "think snow" this winter. Clearly, it worked!Sincerely,The Friends of Leo J Martin Skiing


Summer Newsletter


April 1 Closing Date for Weston Ski Track